These terms and conditions govern all users of PureTides Health and the website. By making any purchases, you agree to these terms. Our products are intended for laboratory research use only. It is important to acknowledge the risks associated with the consumption or distribution of these products when purchasing them. Please note that these chemicals are not suitable for use as food additives, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals, or any other inappropriate applications. The presence of a material on this site does not grant a license for its use that infringes on any patent.

Our products should only be handled by qualified and properly trained professionals. It is your responsibility as a customer to review and understand government regulations related to the use and exposure of our products, as well as the health and safety hazards associated with handling them. Adequate warning about these hazards is crucial. As a research chemical company, PureTides Health is unable to provide usage or preparation guidance.

PureTides Health and reserve the right to limit or deny sales to unqualified individuals if there is reason to believe that misuse may occur. All customers must be at least 21 years of age to purchase our products. PureTides Health and any associated affiliates shall not be held liable for any consequential damages claimed by purchasers in contract, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal basis. By approving the sale of a product, the purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold PureTides Health and any associated affiliates harmless from all claims, expenses, losses, and liability arising from the handling, possession, and use of the product, whether used alone or in combination with other substances. Sales may be denied if these conditions are not met.

Our products are intended solely for laboratory research purposes and should not be used for any other purposes, including in vitro diagnostic purposes, in food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics for humans or animals, or for commercial purposes unless otherwise stated. By purchasing our products, you acknowledge that they have not been tested or sterilized by PureTides Health or for safety and efficacy in such uses. You further represent and warrant that you will properly test, use, manufacture, and market any products purchased from us in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The purchaser is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory listing, if applicable.

It is essential for the purchaser to verify hazards and conduct necessary research regarding the use of products purchased from Our products should not be considered foods, drugs, medical devices, or cosmetics unless otherwise stated. All products and services offered are for research purposes only and should not be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. PureTides Health is not liable for any damages resulting from negligence, abuse, or unforeseen circumstances.

Please note that the use of this website is governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement and the Privacy Policy. You are prohibited from modifying, distributing, reproducing, or selling any information, products, or services obtained or viewed on this website without our express written consent. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and the products offered are for laboratory research purposes only.

PureTides Health reserves the right to correct any inaccuracies or errors on this website and may change or update information without notice. Prices and availability of goods and services are subject to change without notice.


By accessing and using this website, you affirm that you are at least 21 years old. The products offered on this website are intended for in-vitro laboratory research use only. They are not to be used for human or animal consumption or any other purposes related to diagnosing, curing, mitigating, treating, or preventing diseases.

When purchasing any of these items, you acknowledge the inherent risks associated with their consumption or distribution. These chemicals are strictly not intended for use as food additives, drugs, household chemicals, or any other inappropriate applications. The inclusion of a material on this site does not grant a license for its use that infringes on any patent.

All products available for purchase should be handled exclusively by qualified and properly trained professionals in research or laboratory settings. It is your responsibility as a customer to thoroughly review and study the following:

a. The use of the products, specifically their intended in-vitro research applications.

b. The relevant government regulations concerning the use and exposure to these products in your specific country.

c. The health and safety hazards associated with handling the products you purchase.

d. The importance of adequately warning about the health and safety hazards associated with the use of any products.

PureTides Health reserves the right to limit or deny the sale of products to unqualified individuals. All customers must be at least 21 years of age to make a purchase. In no event shall PureTides Health be liable for incidental or consequential damages, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal basis. By approving the sale of a product to you, the purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, expenses, losses, and liabilities arising from your handling, possession, and/or use of the product, whether used alone or in combination with any other substance. Failure to comply with these terms will result in the denial of a sale.

The products offered by PureTides Health are intended solely for laboratory in-vitro research purposes. They should not be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to food and/or drugs, medical devices, in vitro diagnostic purposes, or commercial purposes, unless explicitly stated. By purchasing our products, you acknowledge that they have not been sterilized or tested by PureTides Health for safety and efficacy in food, drug, medical device, cosmetic, commercial, or any other use. You expressly represent and warrant to PureTides Health that you will properly test, use, manufacture, and market any products purchased in accordance with the practices of a reliable person experienced in the field and in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, both current and future. You further warrant that any material produced with these products shall not be adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and shall not violate Sections 404, 505, or 512 of the Act, which pertain to the introduction of materials into interstate commerce.

Please note that PureTides Health products, unless otherwise stated, are intended solely for in-vitro research purposes and may not be listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you purchase comply with TSCA regulations, if applicable.

You are also responsible for verifying the hazards associated with the use of products purchased from PureTides Health and conducting any additional research necessary to understand these hazards. None of the products purchased from PureTides Health, unless otherwise stated, should be considered as foods, drugs, medical devices, or cosmetics. All products and services offered on this website are strictly for research purposes. Under no circumstances should any of these materials be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. PureTides Health is not liable for any damages that may result from negligence